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At St Hugh of Lincoln, we use the Read Write Inc. (RWI) programme to develop our children’s phonic journey.    All pupils including SEN follow the synthetics phonics programme from EYFS through to Year 2 (until approximately Christmas). 

Our intention is that all pupils will learn to read with a strong start in early years and are able to read fluently by the age of six.  Some pupils in lower Key Stage 2 will continue with RWI, where appropriate. Children who read regularly or are read to regularly have the opportunity to open the doors to so many different worlds! More importantly, reading will give your child the tools to become independent life-long learners.

In EYFS, children are introduced to the simple alphabetic code and learn one way of representing each sound. During Key Stage 1, children are given opportunities to build on and develop their Phonics knowledge, by applying previously learnt graphemes and exploring alternative representations of phonemes and graphemes. Phonics sessions take place daily in small homogenous groups for all children. 

Using RWI, the children learn to read effortlessly so that they can put all their energy into comprehending what they read. It also allows them to spell effortlessly so that they can put all their energy into composing what they write.

Within a daily phonics session, children are taught how to:

  • Read a new sound
  • Recognise new and familiar taught sounds
  • Write a new grapheme
  • Read words containing the new sound and familiar taught sounds
  • Spell words containing the new sound and familiar taught sounds

The Phonics Leader in school is responsible for ensuring that all children make the expected progress in their journey of learning to read. At the end of each half term, the children completes a short Phonics assessment which ensures each child is making progress and allows for any identification of gaps or extra support needed. 

No pupil is left to struggle. Any pupil working below their peer group receives daily 1:1 Fast Track tutoring. Our Red Readers also have extra reading practice with an adult.

All staff across school are trained to be teachers of reading. RWI teachers receive training and coaching by the Reading Leader. The Reading Leader is supported by regular training from the RWI team.


What will be inside my child’s book bag?

A strong start in reception- Sound Blending Groups

  • Blending Book
  • Story for pleasure book

Ditty Groups

  • Ditty sheets (same ditties as taught in school)
  • Book Bag Ditty sheets (matched to the sounds taught that week)
  • Story for pleasure book

3 day timetable- Red, Green, Purple, Pink, and Orange.

5 day timetable- Yellow, Blue, and Grey Groups.

  • 1 x Storybook (same book as taught in school)
  • 1 x Book Bag Book (matched to the sounds taught that week)
  • 1 x Story for pleasure book

Each week virtual phonics links will be published in the newsletter. These links will be specific for each group.



Children are supported from the earliest stages of learning to write. Children are taught letter formation in conjunction with their daily RWI Phonics programme. Children are taught phrases (as set out by RWI) to aid retention and skill when forming each letter. Handwriting is taught daily within RWI sessions. A clear focus on posture, pencil grip, fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination is planned for and provided within these lessons and the wider curriculum. Please see below the handwriting phrases used in our classrooms.

Useful Links

Please see below to find out more about the RWI programme: Films for Parents and Carers - YouTube

This video helps parents to say the sounds correctly:  Parent video: How to say the sounds - YouTube

This videos show parents how to blend sounds to read words: Read Write Inc. Phonics: Ruth Miskin on how to teach blending to children - YouTube