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Master Readers

Excellence after phonics

Once pupils learn the mechanics of reading through a phonics programme, developing their comprehension skills becomes the primary focus in teaching reading. The skills and knowledge pupils need in order to comprehend are very similar at different ages. Therefore, we use a whole class, mastery approach to teaching reading from Year 2 (after Christmas) through to Year 6. The programme we use is called Master Readers.

The weekly cycle supports pupils in developing their reading ability across the week. Pupils have a 30-minute lesson to give them a daily opportunity to become true readers.

Our reading strategies are taken from the National Curriculum. We ensure that children have been taught to predict, retrieve, infer, and deepen their vocabulary. Children at St Hugh’s become active readers and are able to apply the four reading strategies in their own reading. The children also develop their speaking and listening skills which are crucial for critical thinking. Our teachers have been trained by Francois Walker from White Knights School and receive termly development days.