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Curriculum Team 2023-2024

The Curriculum Team is a Year 6 pupil led group which listens to and values every young person at St Hugh of Lincoln School.  They meet approximately once per fortnight to discuss and share ideas on topics linked to learning within the curriculum and wider school life. The aim of the group is to ensure all pupils have their voices heard. In addition, they aim to create impact and make positive change across the school.

Curriculum Update 5,10,23

In their first meeting, the curriculum team discussed ways to further enrich the Science curriculum across the school.  Their first project is going to be to come up with five minute science experiments they can get children to complete during Wednesday lunch break in the outdoor classroom.  With Mr Davies, they can help children complete the experiments and explore scientific learning relating to them.  This will be a great way of allowing children to have extra fun with science as an addition to their lessons during the week.  The team have also suggested running a Stargazing Live after-school event whereby parents and their children can identify the stars and constellations using binoculars and telescopes.  We look forward to them fixing a date in January and publicising the event nearer time.  Great work Curriculum Team! 

Curriculum Update 18,10,23

The curriculum team led an assembly this week to tell the children about their new weekly science workshop sessions.  These lunchtime sessions are run by the curriculum team each Wednesday and offer the chance for children during lunch break to complete a five-minute science experiment in the outdoor classroom.  The team completed one of the experiments they were due to run later that lunchtime live in front of the children during the assembly.  They then explained, along with Mr Davies, what it taught us about the surface skin of water droplets.  The curriculum team are excited about running a different experiment  in their weekly workshop sessions for the children, and are now coming up with a selection of experiments they can complete over the next term as part of their workshops.  They are also generating some quick five-minute science experiments that will be available via the website.  Some fantastic work Curriculum Team!

Curriculum Update 15,11,23

The curriculum team were hard at work again this week with their Science Experiment workshop becoming increasingly popular during lunchtimes.  This week the team let the children experiment with a non-Newtonian liquid and ponder the question: is it a solid or a liquid?  The children were mesmerised by the cornflower and water mix, with many enjoying the weird feeling they experienced when they ran their finger through the mixture.  The team did a fantastic job of explaining the science behind the mixture relating to the starch particles in the liquid.  Great curriculum team!

Curriculum Update 31,1,24

The curriculum team have now decided that Geography and History are areas they feel they could help with in the school after their great success with Science. They are going to conduct a survey to gauge opinions of year groups 1-6 about their Geography and History learning.  This is obtaining ‘pupil voice’.   Pupil voice in schools means a whole-school commitment to listening to the views, wishes and experiences of all children and young people.  They have planned to ask the children what they like about these areas of learning and what we could do to improve them even more.  We look forward to the next update when we will find out about what they will do next.  Great work Curriculum Team!


Curriculum Update 28,2,24

The year 6 team have been hard at work reviewing their school survey aimed at finding out how they can help with Geography and History across the school.  The children took a selection of children from each year group to gather this information.  The results showed that the children wanted a large map of the world and a history timeline displayed in a communal place within the school grounds.  They also informed the team through the survey that they want a quiz that covers some of the learning they have undertaken from the units of work they have covered so far.  The team have acted on this straight away and are currently creating a fun retrieval quiz for each year group.  They have been using the children’s class books and library materials to make sure the questions are fun, challenging and above all include the answers!  We cannot wait for the team to begin their quizzes with each year group once they have been completed.  Great work curriculum team!


Curriculum Team Update 6,3,24

The Curriculum Team have presented to the school within an assembly the results of the survey and have informed them of some of the things they are going to put into place based upon the results.  Using a graph, the team showed clearly that there were three main areas they were going to work on.  The team has already communicated to the Senior Leadership Team in the school that the children want a timeline and a large world map.  These are now being created and sourced. The team are now creating class-based retrieval quizzes for both History and Geography.  Great work team!